We Excel In Tax Preparation for Challenging Tax Scenarios
We add particular value to a range of clients, including but not limited to:
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It's That Simple!
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Collaborating Partnerships
UnitedTax.AI has teamed up with FinCENBOIFiling.com to offer additional savings for our mutual clients.
The Corporate Transparency Act now mandates many US companies to file a Beneficial Ownership Report—an obligation you can't afford to overlook due to severe penalties for non-compliance.
FinCENBOIFiling.com has developed a user-friendly form that seamlessly integrates with the FinCEN system, ensuring accuracy in meeting this reporting requirement.
File your BOI report with them and receive a $75 discount on your next business tax filing or a $50 discount on your personal tax filing with UnitedTax.AI. It's our commitment to continually enhance our client experience and deliver added value whenever possible.